Activating Microsoft 365 for Verizon Capture Mobile Network Archiving

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Network Archiver for Microsoft 365 includes a connector that enables organizations to capture communication data from Android devices and export the data to Microsoft 365 Advanced Compliance, eDiscovery, Communication Compliance, and Mobile Compliance.

To set up the Verizon Network Archiver- connector:

  1. Make sure you have a Microsoft 365 account with an E5 license or compliance capabilities.
  2. Order the service from Smarsh and get a valid company administration account.
  3. Agree to Smarsh’s terms and conditions and privacy policy when using the service.
  4. Note that your employees’ messages still pass through Verizon Network servers and are subject to their terms and conditions.
  5. Activate Smarsh connector in your Microsoft 365 account.
  6. Enroll and set up employees for the Archiving following provided guidelines.
  7. Access archived communication in the designated folder within the employee’s Microsoft 365 mailbox.
  8. Utilize Microsoft 365 solutions like advanced eDiscovery to search through Verizon Network communication.

Note: You can reach out to Smarsh Support for help with setting up and adjusting your account, or for getting your company employees or users started with Verizon Network Archiver Network.

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