Text Archiving and Voice Call Recording and Monitoring: Ways to Use It to Improve Employee Engagement

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Meeting compliance requirements and avoiding financial penalty and legal problems are the common cases why organizations capture mobile SMS and record and monitor phone calls.

However, more than just compliance, archiving texts and voice calls also have implications on the overall engagement of employees. Having dedicated and engaged employees are particularly important for organizations with a large group of frontline staff, such as financial services companies and government offices.

The statistics say it all: a recent survey of 1,000 working adults in the U.S. revealed that 50% of the workers will reply to texts within five minutes, and 70% say that they have shifted some of their work matters from email to text in the last five years.

Read on as we discuss in this blog post the ways mobile SMS archiving and voice call recording and monitoring can help improve the morale, efficiency, and productivity of your employees.

Enable Self-Audit

The primary use case of mobile communications archiving for employee engagement is allowing the employees themselves to read their archived conversations with the customers – whether it’s a chain of text messages or minutes of phone calls.

Self-audit allows employees to rate their job performance as an outsider – they are reading or listening to what they had said at the moment when they were otherwise engaged in their work. Being able to do just will allow them to review their work against the company standards more clearly and objectively.

Understand Patterns in Staff and Client Interactions

Making text message archiving and call recording a core compliance strategy in your organization can also let you identify trends and patterns in staff and customer interactions. With recorded phone calls, for instance, you can determine if a particular employee is showing the ideal behavior when interacting with the clients, as well as gauge their overall suitability with the role they’re assigned with.

Ultimately, mobile call recordings can be processed through speech analytics which can uncover deeper insights including emotion, sentiment, and motivation – in real-time. Understanding these trends and patterns is crucial to provide the employees with the right strategy they need to implement when interacting with customers, which when successful, could help boost their interest with the company.

Gain Valuable Insights About Your Employees

If you notice some indications of low employee engagement, i.e., lack of initiative, unhealthy behaviors, or lack of excitement during company events, then you need to take all measures to find out why your employees are experiencing these.

In a recent WSJ article, Patrick Sultzer recalled how he accidentally texted his own boss saying he was having a rough day. Although originally intended for his wife, the message gave his boss the idea that one of his key personnel was going through something, which might affect their work productivity.

Taking a cue from captured employee text messages and recorded phone calls can help you pinpoint the period your employee start to perform less efficiently than they should. You can potentially identify insidious causes such as workplace bullying, conflicts with managers, or even harassments which are often cited as the common workplace-related causes for low employee engagement.

Improve Staff Training and Coaching

Archiving text messages and phone calls can be an ideal tool for training and coaching employees. It provides a business a mechanism with which the managers and coaches can read and listen to recorded texts and phone calls to identify the strategies being used by employees when engaging with the prospective and current clients of the business.

Likewise, archives of text messages and phone calls can also bring light to issues that hamper the growth of a particular employee, and subsequently, create solutions to address those problems. Doing so can effectively enhance the employee’s performance, which ultimately will lead to better team morale and improved engagement of the employees with the business.

In order to achieve these efficiencies, it’s important that you partner with the right enterprise mobile archiving vendor which will not only provide you with the necessary tools to meet your industry and legal compliance requirements but also with the expertise you need to maximize their solutions to the fullest.

The TeleMessage Mobile Archiver effectively addresses compliance, regulatory, and eDiscovery response requirements and reduces risks for organizations that are required by the law and industry regulations to archive mobile SMS and record and monitor phone calls. Our solution is equipped with voice call archiving capabilities that capture and record employee mobile phone calls, as well as text messages, emails, WhatsApp chats, and other types of mobile content. All the captured data are securely and reliably retained within TeleMessage servers or forwarded to an archiving data storage vendor of your choice.

Our mobile archiving products securely capture content from mobile carriers and mobile devices for a variety of ownership models (BYOD, CYOD, and employer-issued). With our multiple archiving solutions, you can always find the right tools or blend for your requirements:

TeleMessage offers cross-carrier and international mobile text & calls archiving for corporate and BYOD phones. Contact us today to try our mobile archiving products

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