Signal Guide – How to Migrate From WhatsApp to Signal in 5 Minutes?

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This Signal guide covers the following topics: (click on the links below or read the full guide)


WhatsApp is the mobile instant messaging application of choice for the majority of the people all over the world. But the recent update in WhatsApp’s terms of service and privacy policy has forced its users to think about alternate solutions. With its updated policy, the Facebook-owned company gives more clarity on the data that it collects from its users.

But the idea backfired when the company insisted its users mandatorily accept the new policy update, instead of giving the users a choice. Since people are more conscious about their privacy in this digital era WhatsApp users started to flock to more private mobile messaging applications like Signal. There were approximately 7.5 million Signal installs from both the App Store and Google Play, in the January 6 – January 10 period, some 43 times that of the installs from the previous week.

The messages sent via Signal are end-to-end encrypted by default. Since the metadata of the conversations are also end-to-end encrypted, the application provides more security to its users, compared to its competitors.

How to Install Signal Private Messenger in Your Phone

The Signal Private Messenger application is available for iOS and Android. You can download and install the app from either the App Store, or from Google Play, by following the steps given below:

1. Launch the App Store (for iOS users) or Google Play (for Android users) app on your mobile device.

2. Type Signal on the search bar and tap Enter.

On Android

On iOS

3. Tap Get (for iOS) or Install (for Android) to download the app.

(Or, click here to download Signal for iOS, and to download Signal for Android, click here.)

On Android

On iOS

4. Follow the on-screen instructions and allow the required app permissions.

5. Select your country and enter your phone number. You will receive a six-digit verification code via an SMS, which the app will auto-detect and verify.

On Android

On iOS

6. Enter your first name and last name to set up your profile.

On Android

On iOS

7. Create a PIN for the application. Your PIN must contain at least four digits. You can also create a longer PIN with a combination of numbers and letters.

On Android

On iOS

After successfully entering the pin, you will be directed to the app’s home screen. You can start a new chat, create a new group, or invite your friends to Signal.

On Android

On iOS

How to Start a Chat in Signal

After installing the application you can start chatting with your friends and family if they are already on Signal. Otherwise, you can always invite them to install the application and then start a chat. Follow the steps given below to start a chat in Signal.

1. Tap the pencil icon on the upper-right corner (for iOS), or lower-right corner (for Android) of your home screen to start a chat. Tapping the pencil icon will show you people in your contact list who are already using Signal.

On Android

On iOS

2. Tap on the contact that you wish to chat with.

On Android

On iOS

3. After the chat screen opens, enter your message in the text field and tap Send.

You can send text messages, share photos, videos, documents, contact cards, and your location via Signal.

On Android

On iOS

How to Migrate a WhatsApp Group to Signal

Almost all the people that you know might be using WhatsApp for their mobile messaging requirements. This includes personal as well as group chats. Hence, the thought itself of shifting to a new mobile chat application could be intimidating. But fear not; Signal allows you to migrate your WhatsApp group to a Signal group. Follow the steps given below to migrate your WhatsApp group to a Signal group.

1. Tap the pencil icon on the app’s home screen.

On Android

On iOS

2. Tap New Group.

On Android

On iOS

3. Tap Skip as you are inviting the members of an existing WhatsApp group.

On Android

On iOS

4. Enter the name of your group and tap Create.

On Android

On iOS

5. Tap ENABLE AND SHARE LINK to share the link. Tapping Approve new members will allow anyone who has access to the link to join the group, without requiring the permission of the group admin.

On Android

On iOS

6. Tap Copy to copy the invitation link to the clipboard.

On Android

On iOS

7. Open the WhatsApp group that you want users to migrate to Signal, and paste the invitation link.

On Android

On iOS

How to Make Your Chats in Signal Compliant

As employees in financial firms turn their focus from WhatsApp to Signal, the risk of failing to meet communication compliance is also increasing. A couple of months back companies had to restrict their employees from using mobile messaging applications like WhatsApp and WeChat for business communication. The restrictions were imposed in an attempt to comply with the expectations from financial regulators like  SEC, FINRA, IIROC, MiFID II, NFA, and FCA. But recently the Covid-19 pandemic has brought about changes in everyone’s lives. Employees, as well as clients, have become comfortable in using mobile IM applications and regulators have understood the need for allowing such applications for the smooth flow of business.

Even though the use of mobile chat applications is allowed in the workplace, financial firms are responsible for capturing, recording, and archiving conversations sent and received through such applications. The WhatsApp Archiver and WeChat Archiver by TeleMessage have been supporting financial firms in fulfilling their needs for WhatsApp recording, WhatsApp archiving, WeChat recording, and WeChat archiving. Seeing the growing demand in the market, TeleMessage will be launching Signal Archiver, which will enable firms to record and archive Signal communications, to ensure regulatory compliance. With our multiple and growing archiving methods, you can find the right tools for your needs:

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