How can I create and push a group list out to my users handset application?

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To create and push a group list out to users’ handset application

  1. Launch the application on your phone
  2. Tap on the “New Message” icon (pen and paper in the upper right corner) Tap in “New Group”
  3. Give the group a meaningful name
  4. Tap the + sign to the right of the add field and add the desired recipients from your address book, using either names or phone numbers. Note that the first person entered into the list when you created the group will become the new group administrator when you exit the group.
  5. When you have selected all the users you want in the group, tap “Done” in the top right corner of the screen. Then from the New Group screen tap “Create” in the upper right corner. Send a message, “This is the all <something> group created by your manager. It contains all the necessary to <do something>, please save this group for future use.”
  6. After sending the message, tap on the group name at the top of the conversation. Then choose “Exit Group”
  7. After you exit the group will remain on the handsets you sent the message to.

What does “Group Admin” mean?

When a subscriber creates a new group that subscriber is able to manage the group. They can add or delete users from the group and change the group name. If the admin leaves a group they created the first recipient on the group list will be assigned the group admin role.

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